
Consumer Rights

Insurance companies, along with the brokers and agents who sell home, auto and business insurance, are committed to safeguarding your rights when you shop for insurance and when you submit a claim following a loss. 

Your rights include the right to be informed fully, to be treated fairly, to timely complaint resolution, and to privacy. These rights are grounded in the contract between you and your insurer and the insurance laws of your province.

Customer Complaints

Westminster Mutual Insurance Company seeks to maintain its reputation as a Mutual Company that delivers high quality, professional services. Westminster is also committed to maintaining its responsiveness to the needs and concerns of its clients. 

Our customer complaint policy is designed to provide guidance to its clients on the manner in which Westminster will receive and handle complaints made against the Company, or any of its representatives.

Ontario Mutuals

Ontario Mutuals are uniquely community focused. They give back in a big way. Last year, the mutuals collectively donated over three million dollars to charities, hospitals, town projects and more.

Ontario Mutuals: Insurance FAQs

Ontario Mutuals has a great series of short videos to answer frequently asked questions about insurance in Ontario:

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