Helpful information for your insurance policies with Westminster Mutual.

Smoke alarms: are you safe?
Smoke detectors have a limited lifespan Did you know that smoke alarms have an expiry date? Generally, after about ten years, the sensors in smoke detectors begin to lose sensitivity. Don’t trust the test button Test buttons let you know that the battery and alert systems are working, but the smoke sensor requires a test […]

Rain Gardens: Enhancing Beauty and Functionality of Your Home Landscaping
Expanding or updating your landscaping this summer? Consider the benefits of a Rain Garden. Rain Gardens are a landscaping feature designed to address water runoff concerns, while adding visual appeal to your yard. Rain gardens are a practical solution for homeowners seeking to prevent erosion and manage excessive rainfall. Let’s explore how rain gardens can […]
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Safeguarding Your Vehicle: A Few Easy Steps to Deter Theft
In Ontario, most stolen vehicles are new models (2017+), targeted by organized crime for the large profits from overseas sales. The low recovery rates of 45% in Ontario and 34% in Quebec1 suggest these vehicles are primarily exported or ‘re-vinned’ and sold within Canada, deceiving unsuspecting buyers. The first and most basic rule is to […]
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Did you know?
- We are part of the Fire Mutual Guarantee Fund, which guarantees that all losses would be paid in the unlikely event that we were unable to pay a claim.
- We have a disaster recovery plan to ensure that our office could be up and running in a few hours should something happen to our office.
- Oil tank losses – The Ministry of the Environment dictates that an oil spill must be cleaned up to put the location back to pristine condition. An oil spill could make it more difficult to sell your home in the future if it is not cleaned up properly.
- We are one of the few insurers to still offer 80% of personal property limit in the event of sewer and septic backup claims.
- We sell carbon monoxide detectors, smoke detectors and fire extinguishers at cost.
- We deal with local companies for restoration in the event of a claim
Tools & Tips
- Install a sump pump to prevent a sewer backup loss.
- Install a battery backup for your sump pump in case there is a power failure.
- Keep an up to date household inventory with serial numbers, purchase dates and photos.
- Clean eavestroughs of debris and leaves and extend downspouts to prevent water damage.
- Clear leaves from storm drains to give water somewhere to go.
Theft Prevention
- Leave a light and/or radio on when you go out to provide the appearance of someone being home.
- Trim hedges around your home to make it more difficult for someone to hide that may be trying to get into your house.
- When you are away from home for more than 4 days:
- Have someone regularly check your home.
- When temperatures could fall below freezing, keep the heat on, turn the water off, and drain the water pipes to prevent the pipes from freezing.
- Don’t leave messages or post on social media sites while you are away.
- Hold your mail delivery and arrange to have someone pick up papers and flyers
- Lock your doors.
- Install good locks. Strong locks are more difficult to pick and force open.
- Lay a length of metal or a wooden rod on the sliding track of patio doors to prevent entry.
- Be extra careful where you hide your spare keys.
- Have a good lock on your garage door.
- Keep ladders locked inside the garage.
- Keep valuables away from windows.
- Change exterior burnt out lightbulbs.
- Secure basement windows.
- Keep valuables in a safety deposit box.
- Ensure you have proper fire extinguishers.
- Practice a home fire drill.
- Fire detectors must be installed on every floor.
- Prevent woodstove fires with regular cleaning and maintenance of the fireplace and the chimney.
- Change batteries on smoke detectors.
- Replace smoke detectors that are too old (the life expectancy of a battery-powered smoke alarm is usually 10 years, and its expiry date will be listed on the label)..
- Install a carbon monoxide detector.
- We offer a retiree discount.
- Vanishing deductible – For every year your property policy is claims free we will reduce your deductible by $100.
- Ask your broker or agent about purchasing increased accident benefits.
- We will pay up to $250 for a qualifying sewer/sump backup installation.
- Winter tire discounts available.
- Install a sump pump to prevent a sewer backup loss.
- Install a battery backup for your sump pump in case there is a power failure.
- Keep an up to date household inventory with serial numbers, purchase dates and photos.
- Change your liability slip every year.
- Clean eavestroughs of debris and leaves and extend downspouts to prevent water damage.
- Clear leaves from storm drains to give water somewhere to go.

Did you know?
- We offer accident forgiveness for auto claims.
- We offer a free defensive driving seminar to all policyholders on the first Saturday of every January.
- ATVs must be insured on an automobile policy. If it is not and there is an injury due to an accident there is no accident benefits coverage available to the driver.
- Winter tire discounts available.
Tools & Tips
- Change your liability slip every year.
- Do not keep valuables in your vehicle.
- Practice proper vehicle maintenance.
- Install winter tires.
- Regularly check your tire pressure.
- Ensure all windows and mirrors are clear of snow and dirt.
Ways to reduce premiums:
- Increase your deductible
- Install a centrally monitored alarm for an alarm discount
- Place home and auto policies with us for multi-line discounts
- Maintain a good driving record
- Winter tire discounts available.

Did you know?
- Elite farm package – a package offered on farm policies for a discounted premium.
- We offer Farmers Accident coverage which provides coverage for accidental death and dismemberment and replacement labour should you become injured or die.